Versie 5.0.1 van WordPress is uitgebracht. In deze release zijn diverse beveiligingslekken en verbeteringen verholpen. Dit is een beveiligingsrelease voor alle versies sinds WordPress 3.7.
Het WordPress Developers Team raden u ten zeerste aan om uw WordPress sites onmiddellijk bij te werken.
Voor de changenotes kunt u kijken op:
- Karim El Ouerghemmi discovered that authors could alter meta data to delete files that they weren’t authorized to.
- Simon Scannell of RIPS Technologies discovered that authors could create posts of unauthorized post types with specially crafted input.
- Sam Thomas discovered that contributors could craft meta data in a way that resulted in PHP object injection.
- Tim Coen discovered that contributors could edit new comments from higher-privileged users, potentially leading to a cross-site scripting vulnerability.
- Tim Coen also discovered that specially crafted URL inputs could lead to a cross-site scripting vulnerability in some circumstances. WordPress itself was not affected, but plugins could be in some situations.
- Team Yoast discovered that the user activation screen could be indexed by search engines in some uncommon configurations, leading to exposure of email addresses, and in some rare cases, default generated passwords.
- Tim Coen and Slavco discovered that authors on Apache-hosted sites could upload specifically crafted files that bypass MIME verification, leading to a cross-site scripting vulnerability.

Advies: Wij raden u aan om handmatig back-ups te maken van de database(s) voordat u deze upgrade uitvoert.
Let op, wanneer u automatische updates van WordPress hebt aanstaan, wordt dit vanzelf bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie.
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